Our immune system stays strong because we feed our body with certain foods. Here are some immune system boosters that you can add in your meal to keep yourself away from flu or cold and helps you seldom look for pharmacies in Dubai.
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, limes, lemons, clementine, tangerines etc have excess amount of Vitamin C, which helps tremendously in improving your immune system. Our bodies do not store vitamin C, hence we need a daily dose of citrus fruits to maintain that.
Red bell peppers contain a huge amount of Vitamin C, even more as compared to citrus fruits. Beta carotene is also sourced in our body through red bell peppers. Vitamin C gives us good and healthy skin. Your eyes and skin stay healthy due to intake of beta carotene in your body.
Broccoli floods our bodies with minerals and vitamins. Apart from being packed with many antioxidants and fiber, broccoli also contains vitamin A, C, and E and is considered as one of the healthiest vegetable on your table and helps you avoid hospitals in Dubai.
Garlic, which is found adding taste to almost every cuisine in the world, is extremely beneficial to our health. It helps in fighting infections and also reduces blood pressure and keeps your arteries happy! It contains heavy amount of sulphur like allicin, which makes it an amazing immunity booster.
We also turn to ginger when we fall sick as it helps in reducing inflammation and also helps in curing sore throat. It is also a great way of decreasing nausea, chronic pain and also helps in lowering cholesterol.
Spinach, apart from being popeye’s favourite recipe ingredient, is extremely rich in Vitamin C. It also consists of beta carotene and many other antioxidants. Its best when looked as less as possible in order to retain its nutrients.
Yogurt is very good for boosting immune system and also helps in fighting many diseases. Plain yogurt over flavoured and processed yogurts are preferable to make full use of the Vitamin D source that it is. Yogurt is counted among the most helpful natural defences in your body.
Almonds are useful to prevent colds with help of Vitamin E which also works wonders, for fighting the immune system. Vitamin E, needs fat to be absorbed at its best. Almonds contain healthy fat and can considered good for daily intake.
Turmeric is one of the most commonly used ingredient in all dishes, and its bitter spicy, but is extremely anti-inflammatory and can cure rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Turmeric can also help in curing muscle damage and works as a healer to our body.
Papaya is one more fruit which has loads of Vitamin C and is recommended for daily consumption. Papaya’s digestive enzyme known as papain, contains anti-inflammatory effects. It also contains good amount of folate, potassium, B vitamins and is beneficial to our overall immune system.
Foods when considered for eating at moderation and in the right quality can help maintain our immune system. Our bodies need to get perfect rest and also needs exercise to keep it immune. Food will matter the most.