We all know about insomnia, a very common sleep disorder where one finds it hard to sleep, stay asleep, wake up early or unable to get back to sleep. One feels fatigue when one wakes up when suffering from insomnia. Insomnia is known to drop down energy levels and also your mood along with your quality of life, health and performance at work. Hours of sleep is a very subjective matter, but adults mostly require at least 7 to 8 hours of daily sleep. Some adults experience acute insomnia which may last only for few weeks or few days and can happen due to temporary stress or trauma. Some people experience it for months and years and may have a medical condition linked to it. Few changes in life style can help in getting rid of sleepless nights.
Symptoms of insomnia include waking up at night, difficulty in falling asleep, waking up earlier than usual, not getting proper rest even after night’s sleep, fatigue and irritability, depression or anxiety, lack of focus, difficulty in paying attention. Some people also experience increased errors or accidents, worrying on sleep continuously. When you face these symptoms it’s time to see doctors in Dubai. One needs to take help when daily functioning gets affected due to the above symptoms. Your doctor may recommend you to visit sleep center to get yourself tested with special tests.
Insomnia can be caused due to many conditions and may be associated with either primary or other conditions. Chronic insomnia can be caused due to stress, of lifestyle habits that affect sleep. This can be treated with some precautions by visiting clinics in Dubai, but it may also last for years.
Chronic insomnia can be caused due to stress of health, work, finance, family issues and can be the reason for overthinking, thus leading to staying up all night.
It can also be caused to work schedule or excess traveling. One’s circadian rhythms work as a clock in the body guiding your body’s metabolism, sleep wake time and your body temperature. This can lead to chronic insomnia.
Irregular nap time, bad sleeping schedule, stimulating activity before bed, working on bed, eating, watching TV, playing games, using smartphones are all reasons to affect your sleep cycle.
Eating too late in the evening can also be a reason for insomnia. Its always recommended to have a light snack before you go to bed, than a heavy meal. Some people also experience heart burn, acidity and inflammation which can again lead to insomnia.
If you are on medication, you can suffer from insomnia as certain drugs. One can treat medical condition by using medicines, but insomnia can stay longer than expected as it becomes a habit after a point of time.
There are some other additional causes of insomnia which include mental health disorder, high dosage of medications, medical conditions like chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, sleep disorders, consumption of nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. These symptoms once identified, can be take care of by making few changes in one’s lifestyle.