Having healthy bones is important for everybody to lead a fit lifestyle. This especially important for women who are either working or are taking care of their household. As a woman one has to accomplish multiple number of tasks on a daily basis and for this reason it is important to maintain your bones healthy. Women who belong to the age group of 30 or plus especially need to take extra care of their health because this is the time when they achieve peak bone mass. Those women who do not have enough bone mass may suffer from various ailments such as fragile bones. We spoke to some of the best doctors in Dubai and asked them about their opinion as to how women can take better care of their bones. Here are some tips for all the working women out there to take care of their bones and build healthy bones.
Eat More Vegetables
You must understand and vegetables are extremely great for your bones. They include a lot of minerals and also vitamins. These white amends are extremely important in increasing the overall health and the mineral density of your bones. There are also responsible to increase the overall calcium and mineral levels in your bones. Consuming a lot of vegetables will ensure that you do not suffer from problems such as brittle bones or low bone mass. This is especially beneficial for women belonging to an older age group. Some of the vegetables that you can consume on a daily basis to maintain your bone health are broccoli, cabbage and other green leafy vegetables.
Exercise Regularly
While exercising regularly is important for everyone, a great advantage for women belonging to an age group of 30 or plus is that it can help in improving the overall health of your bones. Some of the exercises that you can indulge in our weight training or strength training. These exercises will help in improving the bone wait in your body thereby keeping you immune from unwanted ailments.
Eat A Lot Of Protein
Another easy way of maintaining your bones health is by consuming a lot of protein on a daily basis. You would be surprised to know that your bones comprise of almost 50% of protein. This is for those individuals who have less protein intake in their diet tend to suffer from bone related ailments as compared to those who consume a lot of protein.
These important tips will surely help you improve your bone health, especially if you are woman in your mid age. Make sure to also practice some amount of physical exercise to ensure good health of your bones. For more tips you can visit doctors from some of the best hospitals in Dubai.