To live a healthy life, you need a healthy mind. Having a stable and healthy mind requires some caretaking. Like other muscles in our body, brain also requires working out to not lose its tone. We have listed some important tips you need to consider to maintain and improve for mental fitness without visiting any hospitals in Dubai.
1: Exercise for 30 minutes daily: Our brain needs oxygen. Oxygen gets delivered to the brain with help of physical exercising. You may undertake any form of exercise that suits you. Exercising helps in better functioning of the brain which helps in improving ones memory, reaction time and reasoning capability.
2: Reading: One needs to read often. Read anything. Read things that add value to your memory lane. It’s always good to keep an interest in your surroundings and have curiosity to know more. Reading can help you get exposure which will help your brain to exercise and also helps in improving mental fitness.
3: Relaxing can also help: Cortisol is a stress hormone which releases when you are under excess stress. Take some time off and relax. You brain needs a break too! Give it with some relaxation time and support your mental fitness.
4: Increase intake of Vitamin B: Leafy greens, whole grain cereals and dairy foods are an excellent source of Vitamin B. Have nutrition and vitamin rich meals to enhance your brain health. Your food is your way to your healthy mind.
5: Challenge your memory: Learning helps in challenging your brain. You need to keep learning something new to test your intellect. Play chess, learn a new language, crosswords to stretch your mental self. It’s good for both your social life and your mental fitness.
6: Develop a new hobby: You can build the neural path of your brain and work it out with some new learning. Develop a new hobby. Something that makes you happy and gives your brain a subtle happy rush.
7: Manage your health: We may suffer from conditions like diabetes or heart problems, if we don’t take precautionary measures well in advance or consult doctors in Dubai. These conditions also affect our mental health to a very wide extent. Regular check-ups and healthy eating can improve your mental fitness.
8: Take up an activity: Draw, paint, sew, make pots, do things manually. Take up activities which involve using both your mind and body. Precision in movements during these activities keeps your mind fit. These activities help in improving your spatial awareness and reaction time.
9: Engage in conversations: Talk to people about various topics. Talk about general knowledge, about what you learned. Its okay to have an opinion and say it out loud. This helps your brain to explore ideas, examine your capacity and examine what’s new.
10: Exercise your brain: Give your brain exposure to game shows, question answers shows, challenge your brain and cherish the competitive spirit. Involve your family and friends in games that may test general knowledge. It will help in bonding and keeping your mind fit.