While it is true that there is no proper evidence to prove why an ulcer is caused, they are still quite common in most of us. In fact, as per the statistics of the hospitals in Dubai it was shown that there are many in Dubai who suffer from ulcers. In fact they say that ulcers are so common that they happen to every one of 20 people residing in the UAE.
These ulcers or peptic ulcers are considered as holes in the protective lining of the stomach that can cause acids in the stomach. The cause of these ulcers could be many like lifestyle or diet followed by an individual, reaction due to antibiotics or other medicines. It can also be caused sometimes due to excessive consumption of alcohol.
There are certain diagnosis methods opted by the doctors in Dubai for diagnosing the type and severity of ulcers. Your doctor may first ask from you certain details like your medical history or may ask you to undergo a physical exam. Thereafter, he or she may ask you to undergo certain tests like the below listed three:
Laboratory Test
This is generally a recommended test for H. pylori & your physician may want you to undergo this test to find if the bacterium H. Pylori which causes ulcers is present in your body or not. For this, you may have to undergo a blood, breath or sugar test. Generally a breath test is the most common kind of test recommended by a doctor as it is said to be very accurate. Prior to the test, your doctor may ask you to drink or eat something that comprises of radioactive carbon. In case if you are infected by the H Pylori your test sample will comprise of carbon dioxide. Make sure you consult with your doctor and let them know about the medications that you are consuming prior to the test as this may lead to many negative side effects.
This is another way to diagnose whether or not you have ulcers. Generally a scope is used for this purpose to examine your upper digestive system. The process of endoscopy involves your doctor passing a tube with lenses down your throat. During this process, if an ulcer is diagnosed he or she may take a biopsy to examine it further. Endoscopy is generally recommended for patients who belong to an old age group or those who have suffered severe symptoms of ulcers like bleeding or weight loss or even difficulty in swallowing food.
Upper Gastrointestinal Series
In simpler terms, this process is a series of X-rays during which you swallow barium that can help in making ulcers more visible and hence easy to detect.
These were the three most common & widely used ways by doctors from the clinics in Dubai to detect whether or not you have ulcers.