Your new baby is the cutest! But we know how rocky your life is as a new mother. There are various dilemmas each one of you face including work, breast feeding, losing those extra pounds you gained. Women coming out as young mothers from hospitals in Dubai have been facing the same issue. We have come up with some amazing strategies to cope up with these dilemmas.
Breastfeeding struggles: Welcoming your newly born is blissful, but there are various challenges that each one of us have to go through. Being a young mother comes with breastfeeding and this takes time to get used to and to get it just right. Young moms feel quite pressurized by family, friends, and doctors in Dubai on topics about nursing their baby. But what you need to ensure is that the feeding process is comfortable for you as well as your baby. If you feel that your breastfeeding isn’t going very well, going to a lactation consultant is the first thing you should do. You can also ask another experienced mother to come and see what you are doing and rectify. Set a goal of breastfeeding for at least a month and then later you can decide to switch to formula.
Hating Your Husband: New moms who are in love with their newly born are usually found at their husband’s throat, even though hate is a strong word, the feeling comes very easily. You hate your husband and you just want to get rid of him. We get you. This feeling is totally normal and will fade away with time. Hang in there. Divide your daily chores. Take help when you need. He may be doing his best possible to help you out. Taking care of a new born is an extremely tough task. Talk to him about what you want instead of just assuming. Some clarification can make all the difference.
Feeling Fat: Squeezing your body back to your old shape isn’t going to be a piece of cake. Especially without a personal trainer and a full time nanny. Most mothers take at least 1 year to get back to their old shape. You can cope up with your extra fat by feeling good about it. Some energy and fat needs to be stored in your body for breastfeeding. Take your baby for a walk and feel healthy and fresh. Eat right and stretch your body a little to make yourself feel good.
Worrying about your job: It’s tough to decide about work immediately after having a baby. You may want to spend some quality time with your baby, but you also feel like you are losing your mind without being able to work. You can have an option of work from home. You need to talk to moms about the issues they faced. The guilt of not being a good mother and not being able to contribute your body should not affect you. Enjoy the process and let it pass.
Being perfect: Being a mother doesn’t come with a perfection tag. You may have your struggles. You may want to let loose and just let it go. It’s okay to not be perfect. Just be yourself and keep doing what best possible you can.