Fungal or yeast infection is one of the most common ailments suffered by women. In fact doctors in Dubai suggest that most women residing in Dubai suffer from it at least once in their lifetime. While infection can occur due to a wide range of reasons, we have listed down some common reasons that will most likely cause infection. These are:
- When a woman is pregnant
- If a woman suffered from diabetes
- When a woman has a very weak immune system
- If she has been taking any antibiotics for any other health-related issues.
- Consumption of excessive amount of birth control pills that comprise of estrogen can also cause fungal or yeast infection
- Excessive use of vaginal sprays
While it is true that it is not completely possible for all women to prevent suffering from an ailment such as yeast infection, there are always certain precautions that you can undertake in order to decrease your risk of suffering from one.
We spoke to some of the best gynecologist and doctors in Dubai about their opinion about certain things that one needs to avoid in order to keep such infections away. Read below some crucial guidelines to help you achieve so:
Where A Proper Underwear
When you decide specially in a city like Dubai, you always have to opt for breathable underwear that do not cause a lot of heat or moisture. The best preference that you can opt for our cotton underwear is that will also help you keep dry and breathy at the same time. These underwear‘s will decrease your chances of suffering from a fungal infection.
Wear Loose Clothes
For women make sure that you do not wear clothes that are very tight. These can be your jeans, score, underwear is and also your yoga pants. This is so because wearing very tight clothes can boost your body temperature and can affect adversely on your private parts. Wearing too much tight clothes can also create a lot of unwanted moisture. This will increase your chances of suffering from a yeast or fungal infection.
Be Careful About The Products You Use
When purchasing any feminine hygiene products make sure that they do not affect the balance of bacteria in your vagina by eliminating the good bacteria in your body. This is important because the good bacteria is responsible for fighting of unwanted infections and other diseases.
Use Good Quality Products
By this we mean that you need to choose high-quality feminine products such as soaps shampoos and tampons. Looking after the quality of these products is very important as they are directly in touch with your skin and hence can cause unwanted infections.
Avoid Hot Bath
While a hot bath can be very relieving and relaxing especially after a tiring day, you must remember that hot apart and never your true friends and these can in fact lead to various fungal infection.
Change The Wet Clothes
This is probably one of the most important tips that you need to keep in mind in order to avoid used or fungal infection. Make sure that you do not sit for long in a wet bathing suit after your swimming session or Do not where the damp jersey after a gym workout. Make sure that you take a nice bath and change into dry clothes.
Manage Sugar Level
For women who suffer from problems such as diabetes it is very important that you keep a proper eye on your blood sugar levels. Keeping your blood sugar levels in control is very important if you want to keep fungal infections away.
Restrict Use Of Antibiotics
Excessive consumption of antibiotics can have a very negative impact on your overall health. It affects various organs of your body and will also hamper your immune system. For this reason make sure that you do not over consume these medicines for basic conditions like a cold or mild fever. This is so because consumption of a lot of antibiotics can also cause infections.