Causes And Prevention Of Chronic Back Pain

A back pain that generally lasts for more than three months is considered to be a chronic back pain. This type of pain cannot solely be treated with the help of painkillers or other medications. If you have suffered a back pain which has lasted more than three months there is a great chance that it could be a chronic back pain. If you suffer from pain like this it is important to consult a specialist or a doctor who can help in identifying the true cause of your back pain and can suggest you effective treatments in order to cure it. We today have listed down some of the common causes of chronic back pain and preventive measures that can help improving your back pain. Read below to know more about some of the causes of chronic back pain.

Muscle Strain

Those individuals who are on a daily basis involved with activities that involve heavy lifting or awkward moments can suffer from chronic back pain due to muscle or ligament strain. You need to understand that if you have been suffering through a lot of pain due to any physical condition your back can suffer from painful muscle spasms. For this reason it is important that you visit some of the best doctors in Dubai.

Bulging Disks

You need to know that a disk acts as a cushion between your bones and your spine. The soft material that is present inside a disk can build a rupture which can affect your nerve and cause it to press. If this happens, you may suffer from a chronic back pain.


Osteoarthritis can have an adverse effect on your lower back and in some cases cause your spine to narrow down which can lead to a condition known as spinal stenosis. Doctors from the hospitals in Dubai suggest that this could be a cause of chronic back pain and needs proper treatment.

While these were some of the causes that cause chronic back pain below listed down are some of the preventive measures that can help in avoiding these problems.

Exercise Regularly

Irrespective of how physically active or physical activity is in walled in your daily routine it is important that you follow some regular low impact aerobics exercises which make sure that your bank does not get too strained. It also helps in improving your back strain and makes your muscles stronger. Some of the exercises that you can indulge in our walking, jogging or swimming. Before you embark upon these exercises make sure you consult with your doctor 1st to know about the activities that you can try.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Those individuals who are overweight generally suffer more from chronic back pain. This is so because when you are overweight your back muscles get strained.

Stand Or Sit Smart

Make sure that you pay proper attention to your body postures. When standing make sure that you do not slouch too much. When you are seated make sure you pick up a seat which is good with lower back support & has a proper armrest. Try to place a pillow at the back in order to maintain your normal curve. When seated keep your knees and hips levelled.

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