The most important rule about Fitness is that it is for everyone and it is timeless. No matter what your age is, fitness can make a great difference as to how you feel or move. No matter how old you are you need to remember that your body has to stay active. As we age problems like high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diabetes or weight management tend to increase. And while medications prescribed by a doctor can help in controlling these ailments what many people do not know is that the key to keep all of these diseases at bay is by exercising regularly. However one of the most common reasons why many old people do not prefer or consider exercising is because of the myths surrounding around them. If you too have fallen for any of these myths, we are today breaking down these myths and stating facts as suggested by the doctors in Dubai. Read below some of the common myths that old people often hear or believe when it comes to exercising.
Because I’m Old I Can’t Exercise
If this is a myth you have been following let us tell you that when you do not move at all as you age you are actually speeding up your ageing process. As per many studies it has been proven that those individuals who do not work out or are in active are more likely to develop various health related ailments such as heart diseases. Those who do not Exercise regularly tend to consume more medications than those who do. For this very reason it is important to keep your body active. If you have not been exercising for quite some time now we recommend you start slow and start practicing some low impact exercises like swimming to improve your heart rate.
Maybe I Will Hurt Myself
This is not at all true especially when you know what you are doing and when you know you have to stay in your limits. The easiest way to eliminate this fear is to consult your doctor or your physician once about the kind of exercises you are allowed to do. You need to understand the kind of activities that you need to avoid depending upon your health conditions. When you take professional advice it becomes much simpler for you also to understand your health and to perform exercises that will help you improve your physical stamina and health.
Because My Heart Is Not Strong Enough
The only way to improve your heart’s condition is my regular exercising and performing those exercises that help in strengthening your heart. And for doing so you may not necessarily have to join the gym or hire a personal trainer. All you need to do is by performing basic Exercises Like going out for a walk. Walking is actually quite enough to help you improve your blood circulation and also to help you control your Cholesterol levels.
It is important to know that no matter what your age is you can always perform some exercise in order to improve your health. Also for Old people exercising regularly is like an outdoor activity which you can enjoy. Going out for some physical activity will also help freshening your mind and thus will improve your mental health.
To know in detail about the kind of exercises that you can perform or allowed to perform you can visit some of the renowned doctors in Dubai or hospitals in Dubai.