Let’s begin with understanding what PCOS is. It’s known as polycystic ovary syndrome that occurs due to no menstruation or completely irregular cycle of periods. Presence of androgens occurs in ovaries due to excess production of hormones which also leads to many women having multiple cysts in ovaries. Most women that suffer from PCOS has experienced over weight issue or even obesity. This is the most common disorder found among 50% of women. There are various other common symptoms like acne, baldness, excess hair. If you come across any such symptom, its time you check out some good doctors in Dubai and get yourself checked.
Most women have the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, endometrial cancer, high blood pressure, if these symptoms are not managed with utmost care and appropriation.
Controlling ones diet and making the right lifestyle choice can help most women manage PCOS. This reduces the risk of the above mentioned medical concerns and also helps in preventing other risks.
We will now highlight on the most important factor that leads to PCOS – Diet. A considerably high amount of insulin is detected among women who suffer from PCOS, than the normal levels. Insulin is that hormone which generates energy by using cells in our bodies for converting sugar. If a human body doesn’t generate a considerate amount of insulin, it can experience a rise in the levels of sugar. People with high resistance on production of insulin are likely to get more affected. Ovaries generate testosterone, an androgen due to enormous level of insulin in one’s body. Most critical tip for women facing this issue is to avoid intake of carbohydrates, sugar and starch.
We are here with suggestion on the best routine to take care of PCOS. One most consume broccoli, one vegetable which very high amount of fibre. If you are a non-vegetarian, then fish is the best option for lean protein. You can also rely on good amount of tomatoes and turmeric in your diet.
We also have suggestions on some high fibre foods that are most recommended for PCOS. Cauliflower, broccoli are some cruciferous vegetables, lettuce and arugula from the greens. We also recommend green and red peppers, almonds, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, beans and lentils and berries. Tofu, chicken, fish are some sources of lean protein which is very filling and doesn’t contain fibre. These foods are very healthy options for women suffering from PCOS.
Some foods are very helpful in reducing inflammatory content in the body and are also very beneficial like tomatoes, spinach, walnuts and almonds, strawberries and blueberries. Fatty fish like sardines and salmon are also a good option as it is very high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Now that we know what’s good in our meal, lets also check some foods which should be avoided for PCOS. Carbohydrates like bread and muffins, cold drinks and snacks consisting of sugar, red meat and inflammatory food.
One should also avoid highly processed foods like muffins, white bread, pastries, desserts with sugar, white potatoes etc. One should also remove pasta, noodles and anything with flour, from their diet as it contains of high amount of carbohydrates.
Apart from diet changes, women with PCOS should also consider other lifestyle changes like regular sleep, exercising, avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol. One also needs to keep a routine of body check-up and visit clinics in Dubai to ensure that you prevent before the need for cure arises.