Here’s How Homeopathy Can Help In Giving You A Good Night Sleep

Insomnia or sleeplessness is a common problem faced by many people in Dubai. Both men and women have been suffering from this health problem and this problem is particularly more for those who belong to the age group of 50 or more.

This loss of sleep can have a number of ill effects on your overall sleep. It can cause many ill effects like feeling drowsy or sick. Not just this, loss of sleep can affect your personal and professional life as well. It causes memory impairment and can deprive you of good opportunities.

The Fidoc team has listed down some of the best homeopathic remedies that can help in curing insomnia. We recommend you take these medicines only after a proper consultation with your doctor. You can also visit the best homeopathic doctors in Dubai.

Here are some of the medications that you may consider:


This medication is for a patient who feels constantly restless due some kind of an undefined fear. It can work best for patients who get panicked when they decide to go to bed. It could be a fear of sleep where a person may fear death during his or her sleep. The medicine can help in calming those who are frightened to go to bed. Consult with the best homeopaths from the hospitals in Dubai before you take this medication.

Arsenicum Album:

This medication is very helpful for those who overthink throughout the night and struggle to get a good, sound sleep. It is for a meticulous person who feels constantly restless due to the various thoughts that keep coming through their mind. This is particularly for those who wake up post-midnight. Some signs of this type of sleeping disorder is feeling thirsty throughout the night.


Sleep deprivation during excess of fatigue is a common symptom seen mostly in the working class. Workers, labourers or care takers who undergo a lot of physical activity throughout the day and are so tired that they cannot sleep over the night, need to consider tis medication. The common symptoms of this type of sleep disorder are feeling dizzy or foggy.

Coffea Cruda:

For all you caffeine addicts who prefer to sip a coffee just before sleep, this medication can be helpful for you. For people who get tired due to over exertion and drink lots of coffee it is usually really difficult to sleep.


For those who have undergone from a loss, Ignatia can be very helpful. People who suffer from insomnia due to a sad demise of a close one, or loss of their property or dear ones can consume this medication. People who suffer due to this type of insomnia tend to toss and turn all through the night on their bed.

While these medications can be very helpful in offering proper sleep and cure insomnia it is always recommend visiting hospitals in Dubai where patients can be guided well by the doctors.

Fidoc Team

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