High blood pressure is a common ailment suffered by many people residing in Dubai. One of the most common reasons why people in Dubai suffer from high blood pressure is because of the hectic every day schedule that they have to follow. Be it work or personal life it has become difficult for us to manage both well, which in turn causes problems such as anxiety, depression and high blood pressure. While there are certain medicines that can help in regulating your blood pressure, you can also try out some of the natural remedies that can be extremely helpful when combating high blood pressure.
We have listed down some of the most effective natural remedies recommended by the doctors in Dubai that need to be followed on a regular basis if you wish to control your blood pressure naturally.
Make Sure That You Exercise Regularly
One of the most important and best ways to control blood pressure is by exercising regularly. When you work out or exercise on a regular basis it helps in improving your heart health and makes it stronger. Not only has that it also helped your heart pump blood at a better pace which can help in lowering pressure in your arteries. There have been many surveys conducted in the hospitals in Dubai that have proven that regularly exercising can help in reducing blood pressure in patients. Try walking at least 30 minutes in a day to help control your blood pressure levels.
Try To Decrease Your Sodium Intake
Salt intake is generally very high especially in Dubai. This is generally due to a lot of processed and ready to eat foods available in the market. For this reason it is important that you lower your salt intake as it can play a key role in maintaining your blood Pressure levels. So if you already suffer from high blood pressure doctor is in Dubai will always recommend you to cut back on your sodium intake. Try to swap out processed food items with fresh ones and try seasoning your food with herbs and other spices than using a lot of salt.
Limit Alcohol Intake
All those who suffer from high blood pressure are well aware of the fact that drinking alcohol can increase blood pressure levels. In fact in Dubai hospitals suggest that almost 15% of high blood pressure cases are due to excessive consumption of alcohol.
Eat Foods That Comprise Of Potassium
Potassium is an extremely healthy mineral that can help in getting rid of excessive sodium and decrease pressure on your blood vessels. In order to make sure that your body has a proper balance of potassium in your diet try eating food that is less processed and fresher. Some of the foods that are high in potassium are tomatoes, sweet potatoes, avocados, oranges and milk and yogurt.