An anesthesiologist is an all-around physician who manages and offers medical care to those patients who are going to undergo a surgical procedure. He or she plays an extremely important role before any surgical procedure has to be conducted. They have a very wide scope of role which involves multiple tasks like evaluating a patient right before a surgery, Understanding in depth about their medical conditions and consulting with their specific surgeons and other doctors. The reason why an anesthesiologist is considered to be an important any surgical procedure is because he or she is responsible for offering pain control to the patient and also responsible for supporting life functions during a surgical procedure.
We spoke to some of the top anesthesiologists and doctors in Dubai and have noted down some of the important features that probe why an anesthesiologist plays an extremely important role in a patient’s well-being and health.
An anesthesiologist is responsible for assessing a patient’s overall health and medical readiness before a surgical procedure. They have a very deep and unique knowledge of understanding various medical diseases that a patient is going through and also are well aware about the effects that different surgical procedures can have on a patient’s body. He or she has a very brief role before any surgical procedure. However an anesthesiologist makes sure to conduct all the necessary test and find out all the necessary medical information about the patient before any operation.
Some of the key functions of an anesthesiologist are listed as below
He or she is responsible in providing continuous medical support to the patient during any surgical procedure.
An anesthesiologist is also responsible for monitoring and regulating and patient’s Life functions. He or she needs to closely monitor a patient’s heartbeat during the surgical procedure, the breathing, maintaining BP level and also ensuring that the Body temperature of the patient and the fluid balance remains intact.
Anesthesiologist is also responsible for controlling the patient’s pain and also their level of consciousness. This step is extremely important on part of an anesthesiologist in order to make sure that the surgery conducted is successful and safe.
To know more about the anesthesiologists in Dubai you can visit some of the best hospitals in Dubai and enquire more about them. It is very important that you are under surveillance and care of an experienced anesthesiologist. This is very important in order to ensure proper treatment and good recovery. Pain management is very important due any surgical procedure be it a squint surgery or a bypass surgery and hence having a good anesthesiologist is vital.