Tips To Prevent Cancer

Are you worried and want to prevent cancer? It’s time to take charge of your life and eat healthy and get regular screenings. Prevention of cancer and its research is still evolving. Prevention tips of cancer may vary from one person to another and it’s recommended to consult at clinics in Dubai. But most studies accept that cancer can be well prevented with some lifestyle changes. If you are looking for preventing cancer, making simple changes in your lifestyle can make all the difference.

Don’t use tobacco: Usage of tobacco is a collision course with cancer. Smoking links your body to various types of cancer like mouth, lung, larynx, throat, pancreas, kidney, bladder and cervix. Some people consume tobacco by chewing, which increases chances of pancreatic cancer or oral cavity. Passive smoking can also lead to lung cancer. Completely stopping consumption of tobacco with guidance of doctors in Dubai, is the first step to preventing cancer.

Eating healthy: Eating healthy can’t really guarantee prevention of cancer, but it surely helps in reducing the risk. One must consider some eating guidelines like eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains and beans. It’s recommended to avoid obesity by reducing consumption of high calorie foods, fat and sugary foods. If you consume alcohol, do it with moderation. Excess alcohol consumption also leads to cancer of lung, kidney, colon and liver. One must limit processed meats as it also increases risk of certain types of cancer. People who follow Mediterranean diets should consume healthy fat like fish and olive oil.

Maintain your weight with physical activity: Weight maintenance can reduce the risk of cancer types like lung, breast, prostate, kidney and colon. Maintaining weight with physical activity can help in reducing risk. Adults gain benefit from participating in physical activity. One must do at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity to reduce the risk of cancer.

Protection from the sun: Skin cancer is a common type of cancer and can be very well prevented if you follow some precautionary measures. Avoid direct contact with the sun from 10 am to 4 pm. It’s recommended to cover all exposed areas and stay in shade maximum possible. Carry a hat and sunglasses. Use sunscreen with at least 30 SPF, even during rainy season. It’s recommended to avoid sunlamps and tanning beds to prevent cancer.

Get vaccinated: One can prevent cancer by preventing viral infections. It’s important to get vaccinated against hepatitis B which reduces risk of liver cancer. It is recommended for sexually active adults who use intravenous drugs and are exposed to infected body fluids. Vaccinate yourself against HPV which helps in preventing cervical and genital cancers like cell cancers or neck and head.

Avoid risky behaviour: Practicing safe sex is one of them. This helps in avoiding HIV and HPV which reduces risk of cancers of lung, anus and liver. HPV is also linked to cervical cancer, caner of throat, penis, vulva, vagina or anus. It’s highly recommended to never share your needles with anyone. That can be a major reason of passing deadly viruses to one’s body.

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