When your middle ear, the section behind the ear drum, gets affected by viral or bacterial infection, you are affected from ear infection. The fluid that builds up in the middle ear or the inflammation can cause pain due to ear infection. Ear infection can be either chronic or acute. Chronic ear infections can occur multiple times and do not cure quickly and your middle and inner ear can be damaged permanently for which is recommended to consult clinics in Dubai. Pain for acute ear infection is for a short time. When Eustachian tubes of your ear swells or gets blocked, it causes ear infection. These tubes are connected to the throat from both the ears. Blockage in Eustachian tube can cause due to sinus infections, cold, allergies, smoking, excess mucus, swollen or infected adenoids, air pressure changes etc.
Risk for ear infections is high among infants because their Eustachian tubes are short and narrow. Its also observed that bottle fed infants are more prone to ear infections as compared to breast fed ones. Various other factors which also increase the risk of ear infection like changes in altitude, changes in the climate, cigarette smoking, passive smoking, illness or recent ear infection etc. Some common symptoms of ear infections are fussiness among young infants, discomfort or mild pain in ear, persistent feeling of pressure inside ears, hearing loss, puss inside the ear drainage. Some of these symptoms come and go. It can occur in either or both the ears. When suffering from double ear infection, the pain is a lot more severe.
Acute ear infections are not as noticeable as compared to chronic ear infections. It’s recommended to visit doctors in Dubai for young infants that suffer from fever or ear infection symptoms. Ear infections can be examined with an instrument can otoscope which has magnifying lens and a light. Examination can show air bubbles, redness, pus in middle ear, drainage of fluid from middle ear, eardrum perforation, collapsing or bulging or eardrum. In case of advancement of infection, a sample test will be run on fluid inside the eardrums. This can help in determining presence of any antibiotic resistant bacteria. Doctors also recommend hearing test for those suffering from chronic infection. Acute ear infections can be cured without any intervention. Applying warm cloth to an infected ear can also cure it at an early stage. Over the counter pain medication can also help in relieving the infected from the pain, so also prescribed ear drops. Its recommended to visit a doctor is your symptoms do not improve. You may be prescribed with antibiotics in case of chronic ear infection. In some cases, even surgery is recommended, if infection isn’t cured by antibiotics either.
In the long term, if infections don’t cure, it may lead to hearing loss, language delay or speech delay in children, mastoiditis or meningitis or a ruptured eardrum. Infection can be prevented by washing hands, avoiding crowded areas, breast feeding infants, avoiding smoking etc. Ear infection can be prevented by maintaining hygiene in your daily routine.