As a parent, one of the most beautiful things to watch is see your little one achieve different milestones during the early stage of their life. These milestones can be anything from holding a bottle, crawling, setting and also walking without any support.
Also as young parents you might have read various books and articles that suggest that your baby would take the first steps when they turn around 12 months old.
However if your child Still doesn’t begin to walk by about 14 months, there could be some signs of worrying.
However the most important thing that you must be aware about is that every child develops and reaches milestone at a different age. So this does not mean that just because your baby isn’t walking by the time they are 14 months old there is a physical problem involved.
We understand that when you notice such symptoms your concerns are quite relatable. This is so because you would want your little baby to reach all the required milestones and you don’t want them to lack behind others of a similar age. However doctors in Dubai suggest that it is not always an indicator problem if your child doesn’t learn to walk quickly. There are certain babies who do not walk until the age of 16 to 17 months as well.
In order to identify the true reason behind the inability to walk, you need to consider the big picture.
For instance, even when your child is unable to walk you would notice that he or she is able to perform other skills on a daily basis that too without any problem. These could be standing alone or pulling the furniture.
This means that your child’s skills are developing and that there is nothing wrong with him or her. This also indicates that your child may soon take the first steps. All you need to do is continue to monitor your baby’s progress on a daily basis. However if your child doesn’t learn to walk by the age of 18 months, we recommend that you can visit some of the pediatricians from the hospitals in Dubai. Besides this you also need to consult a doctor if you notice that your child’s motor still are not developing at the right age. This means that if a child is unable to stand or pull furniture by the time they are 14 months old.
Also understand that babies who were born prematurely tend to walk late as compared to other things on the same age. So if your child was premature, we recommend that you do not panic over their inability to walk. Your child has an adjusted time set of when they start tracking all the necessary milestones.
Babies generally learn to walk as they grow old and as their leg muscles become stronger. This means that if you have had a premature birth your child may need certain amount of time to get adjusted and accustomed to carry out the daily activities. If your child has week muscles he or she cannot walk as their legs cannot support their weight.
At times your child can also need certain practice which can help them learn how to walk. In order to help your child take their first steps, parents can help them by holding their hands when they are in a standing position. You can slowly teach them to walk which will help in improving the leg muscles and their balance.
We recommend that you allow your baby to crawl and scoot at times which can help in improving their body balance. You can also use walkers as an alternative to teach your baby how to walk. However make sure that you are always around there when your baby is walking with the help of a walker. This is so because walkers are not always a safe choice and can cause injury to the child if you do not pay proper attention. Make sure that you always supervise when your baby is performing such activities.